Name: {Spc} Eternal
Steanm ID: STEAM_0:1:11407786
Ban Reason: It was a lot of years ago, basically had a "falling out" with some members while I was still in COF and I was removed from the clan and perm banned.
Let's see. A few years back, I wasn't in the greatest head space. Divorce, lots of drinking, and some anger outbursts during the drinking led to a somewhat hostile environment towards fellow members that I didn't get along with. I think the majority of the people here can attest I got along with the majority of the COF members as well as most of the regulars and even the new people who would join. I do remember going off on someone for what I called admin abuse, some agreed, some didn't and it spiraled and I did nothing to back off, only making it worse.
I would love to be allowed back in the server to play with old friends as I have recently started to play CS again a little more consistently. I understand if some might still harbor bad feelings towards me, I won't say some aren't warranted but I would like the chance to prove I have changed as a person, and I will hold no hostility towards those I had wronged in the past. I DO APOLOGISE for those who I hurt, wronged and vented my frustrations towards during this time. I truly hope everyone has been doing well and I look forward, whether unbanned or not, from hearing from everyone and what they think should happen.
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Requesting an unban Eternal would like to be unbanned
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