[COF] Circle of friends: [COF] Circle of friends -> Rules, Regulations, and Procedures

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Basic Rules and Regulations


1. Players are expected to behave in an honorable and respectful manner. Direct and inflammatory attacks on other players will not be tolerated. Obey all Admin requests in the server and if you have any questions or disagreements address those in the forums and not the server.

2. Do not cheat.

3. Do not use foul language. This includes swearing, inappropriate sexual comments, and racist language.

4. Do not crouch hop or bunny hop.

5. No mic spamming. We value fun conversation and friendly banter. Use common sense to know the difference.

6. Play each map as it is intended to be played. Do the objective. Don't waste everyone else's time.

7. Friendly fire is always on. Do not intentionally wound or kill teammates.

8. Do not grenade spam.

9. Players must have names that are at least three characters. Players may not be named 'Player'.

10. Do not boast. Do not spray or otherwise disrespect dead players.

11. Do not boss other players around or criticize players with less skill than you. We are a casual server geared around fun, not a competitive server geared around winning.


1. Circle of Friends members may not belong to other casual Counter-Strike 1.6 clans. Do not wear another clan tag in the server.

2. Circle of Friends members are expected to behave in a respectful manner while representing our clan.

3. Clan Members are expected to promote a healthy and competitive environment while playing online. Members are expected to actively participate in keeping every game as balanced and enjoyable as possible while playing online.

4. Clanchat and Tsay are not to be used to communicate game information to live players. Do not use these tools to betray positions or instruct teammates to pick up an awp.
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